Rev. Peter Eke, Pastor
Jessica Sandoval, Secretary & Bookkeeper
Office: 989-821-5591 Residence: 989-821-5591
email: [email protected]
St Hubert Hall Phone 989-821-8226 St James Hall Phone 989-422-3925
Office Hours; Monday & Tuesday, 8:00 am - 12 pm (noon)
ST HUBERT: We, the parish family of St Hubert, believe in the fullness of God's love. We proclaim the Gospel by promoting peace and justice, ministering to the suffering and reaching out to all so they may know and love Jesus Christ.
ST JAMES: We, the caring family of St James the Greater is Christ centered servant leaders strive toward a greater appreciation of the Gospel. Led by the Spirit, we give witness to the Gospel message by proclaiming
God's everlasting love to all by reaching out in service to one another.
Jessica Sandoval, Secretary & Bookkeeper
Office: 989-821-5591 Residence: 989-821-5591
email: [email protected]
St Hubert Hall Phone 989-821-8226 St James Hall Phone 989-422-3925
Office Hours; Monday & Tuesday, 8:00 am - 12 pm (noon)
ST HUBERT: We, the parish family of St Hubert, believe in the fullness of God's love. We proclaim the Gospel by promoting peace and justice, ministering to the suffering and reaching out to all so they may know and love Jesus Christ.
ST JAMES: We, the caring family of St James the Greater is Christ centered servant leaders strive toward a greater appreciation of the Gospel. Led by the Spirit, we give witness to the Gospel message by proclaiming
God's everlasting love to all by reaching out in service to one another.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Talk with Priest before Mass. Sacramental Reconciliation is also available upon request or by appointment.
Sacrament of Marriage: Please contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance of wedding date.
Sacrament of Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment.
New Parishioners: We welcome you to the Parish. To register, please call the Parish Office to set up an appointment.
Radio Mass: From St. Mary Cathedral 9:00 am Sundays on WMJZ FM (101.5)
Televised Masses: St Mary Cathedral, Gaylord MI WGKI --TV 33, WGKU --TV 45 Sunday 8:00 am
Click on this link:
(Diocese of Gaylord—St Mary’s Cathedral) for their schedule of times and tv stations airing masses
Live Stream Mass from St James: For those who are unable to attend Sunday Mass, we have set up live streaming from St James every Sunday morning. You will be able to watch live or at your convenience.
Instructions to Access:
1. Log into Facebook if you have an account
2. If you don’t have a Facebook account—go to set up an account with your email address and a password
3. Once on Facebook go to: search
4. Enter: Saint James Catholic Church Houghton Lake
(Our site has a picture of St James’ church as the image)
5. Click on this site
6. Scroll down to watch live video or previous masses videos
Click here to look at our bulletin for both parishes: then click on tab 'bulletins' |
St Hubert Catholic Church 7612 West Higgins Lake Dr, Roscommon MI 48653 (Mailing address: PO Box 75, Higgins Lake MI 48627) *Saturday Mass: 5:00 pm* *Only from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend* Sunday Mass: 11:00am |
St James the Greater
7878 E Houghton Lake Dr Houghton Lake MI 48629 (Mailing: PO Box 75, Higgins Lake MI. 48627) Sunday Mass: 9:00am |
***New Changes effective September 5, 2023***
Daily public Masses, Holy Hour of the Blessed Sacrament
are all held at:
Our Lady of the Lake in Prudenville
with the merge of all parishes.
Daily Mass schedule is Tuesday thru Friday and the first Saturday of the month at 9:00 am
Holy Hour Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament are on Wednesdays, from 10:00am to 3:00 pm with Confession available from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Rosary: is said before the Sunday Mass at St. Hubert and at St. James.
Chaplet of Divine Mercy: is said after Sunday Mass at St. Hubert.
HAPPENINGS for Parishioners of St Hubert & St James the Greater:
***Since we have merged with Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, the website will be combined as well. The new website link is: This site will have all three, St. James, St. Hubert & Our Lady of the Lake Church happenings. ***
Immaculate Conception Mass Schedule:
Thursday, December 7, 2023 4:00 pm at Our Lady of the Lake.
Friday, December 8, 2023 9:00 am at Our Lady of the Lake
Friday, December 8, 2023 9:00 am at St. James
Friday, December 8, 2023 11:00 am at St. Hubert
Christmas Mass Schedule:
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2023 4:00 pm at Our Lady of the Lake
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2023 4:30 pm at St. Hubert
Christmas Day, December 25, 2023 9:00 am at Our Lady of the Lake
Christmas Day, December 25, 2023 9:00 am at St. James
Our Lady of the Lake Tuesday-Book Study begins November 7th at 6:00 pm in the school cafeteria (Our Lady of the Lake). The book title is "Surprised By Truth" by Patrick Madrid. The books will be distributed on November 7, 2023. The book study dates will be: November 14th, 21st, & 28th. December 5th & 19th and January 2nd & 16th. ALL ARE WELCOME!
The Creed: What do we believe? The Creed by Bishop Robert Barron unlocks the Nicen Creed. Together we will answer these questions: Where did it come from? Who professes the Creed? I Believe vs. We Believe, Faith and Reason. Wednesday Evenings 5:00 pm - 6:30pm at Our Lady of the Lake Cafeteria.
Christmas Party will be held at Our Lady of the Lake School Gymnasium on Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 4:00 pm. All parishioners of our three parishes are welcome. Potluck Dinner w/Meat & beverage provided. Please sign up at church entrances of how many and what you will bring. Please join us for Festive Music, Friendship & food.
Advent Penance Service: Wednesday, December 13th at 5:00 pm at Our Lady of the Lake Church. More priests will be joining us to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please mark your calendar.
How Can I Help? Jesus & Peter had a conversation that should inspire everyone. (John 21:15-18) Jesus asks Peter three times if he loved Him. Each time Peter replied yes, Jesus' reply was as follows: "Feed my lambs", "Tend my sheep." After these directives, Jesus then said, "Follow Me." We are instructed to feed and tend to others, then we can follow Jesus. Feeding the Children of God is more than offering support. It is leading by example and mentoring them, or commonly called, "Walking the walk, Feed the lambs by teaching them the Word of God (Choir and Lector). Tend the sheep by caring for the flocks needs (Sacristan, Greeter, and Usher, Feed the sheep by feeding the flock the Body and Blood of Christ (Server and Eucharistic ministries). There are other ministries that assist with these directives. (Art and Environment) funeral and wedding ministries, and inspiring and supporting a person to join the religious life). When the flock is fed and its needs are met, it is stronger and will grow in knowledge and numbers. It will therefore make it easier to follow its leadership. If you are able, please consider joining a ministry, then follow as Jesus has instructed all of us today.
Eucharistic Revival June 11, 2023 through July 17, 2024 has been designated by the United States Catholic Bishops as the Year of Parish Revival.
Eucharistic Adoration--A special invitation to St. James & St. Hubert parishioners and anyone else in the area! Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church in Prudenville now has Eucharistic Adoration EVERY Wednesday following the 9:00 am Mass and continuing until 3:00 pm! Anyone may stop in anytime to spend some time with out present Lord during those hours, however, we are still looking for committed Guardians to sit with our Lord during each hour of Adoration. If you could use some "scheduled time" with our Lord, please consider committing to the 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm or 2pm Hour each week. Please reach out to Our Lady of the Lakes Eucharistic Adoration Coordinator, Michelle Coyne, with any and all questions. [email protected] 678-232-8673.
Need to find a Catholic Church when traveling? Check it out, Click on this link: MassTimes - Find Catholic worship times for Mass, Confession, Adoration and Holy Days
St James & St Hubert Prayer & Thank You Chains:
St James---Rose Romanowski, 989-422-4077.
St Hubert--Valerie Remenar 989-915-2748 or Joanie Murray 989-422-4823.
As before, call one of them when you need to put someone on the chain. Anyone who wants to be part of the chain & make calls, please let them know. Also, the prayer list is not only for the sick, but also for those that are homebound & lonely, and those who are going through any other difficulty or worry in their lives. If you or someone you know is in need of prayers & wish to be added to the list in the bulletin, please call the parish office 989-821-5591.
**Please forward information to parishioners that do not have access to computers or the internet**
Immaculate Conception Mass Schedule:
Thursday, December 7, 2023 4:00 pm at Our Lady of the Lake.
Friday, December 8, 2023 9:00 am at Our Lady of the Lake
Friday, December 8, 2023 9:00 am at St. James
Friday, December 8, 2023 11:00 am at St. Hubert
Christmas Mass Schedule:
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2023 4:00 pm at Our Lady of the Lake
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2023 4:30 pm at St. Hubert
Christmas Day, December 25, 2023 9:00 am at Our Lady of the Lake
Christmas Day, December 25, 2023 9:00 am at St. James
Our Lady of the Lake Tuesday-Book Study begins November 7th at 6:00 pm in the school cafeteria (Our Lady of the Lake). The book title is "Surprised By Truth" by Patrick Madrid. The books will be distributed on November 7, 2023. The book study dates will be: November 14th, 21st, & 28th. December 5th & 19th and January 2nd & 16th. ALL ARE WELCOME!
The Creed: What do we believe? The Creed by Bishop Robert Barron unlocks the Nicen Creed. Together we will answer these questions: Where did it come from? Who professes the Creed? I Believe vs. We Believe, Faith and Reason. Wednesday Evenings 5:00 pm - 6:30pm at Our Lady of the Lake Cafeteria.
Christmas Party will be held at Our Lady of the Lake School Gymnasium on Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 4:00 pm. All parishioners of our three parishes are welcome. Potluck Dinner w/Meat & beverage provided. Please sign up at church entrances of how many and what you will bring. Please join us for Festive Music, Friendship & food.
Advent Penance Service: Wednesday, December 13th at 5:00 pm at Our Lady of the Lake Church. More priests will be joining us to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please mark your calendar.
How Can I Help? Jesus & Peter had a conversation that should inspire everyone. (John 21:15-18) Jesus asks Peter three times if he loved Him. Each time Peter replied yes, Jesus' reply was as follows: "Feed my lambs", "Tend my sheep." After these directives, Jesus then said, "Follow Me." We are instructed to feed and tend to others, then we can follow Jesus. Feeding the Children of God is more than offering support. It is leading by example and mentoring them, or commonly called, "Walking the walk, Feed the lambs by teaching them the Word of God (Choir and Lector). Tend the sheep by caring for the flocks needs (Sacristan, Greeter, and Usher, Feed the sheep by feeding the flock the Body and Blood of Christ (Server and Eucharistic ministries). There are other ministries that assist with these directives. (Art and Environment) funeral and wedding ministries, and inspiring and supporting a person to join the religious life). When the flock is fed and its needs are met, it is stronger and will grow in knowledge and numbers. It will therefore make it easier to follow its leadership. If you are able, please consider joining a ministry, then follow as Jesus has instructed all of us today.
Eucharistic Revival June 11, 2023 through July 17, 2024 has been designated by the United States Catholic Bishops as the Year of Parish Revival.
Eucharistic Adoration--A special invitation to St. James & St. Hubert parishioners and anyone else in the area! Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church in Prudenville now has Eucharistic Adoration EVERY Wednesday following the 9:00 am Mass and continuing until 3:00 pm! Anyone may stop in anytime to spend some time with out present Lord during those hours, however, we are still looking for committed Guardians to sit with our Lord during each hour of Adoration. If you could use some "scheduled time" with our Lord, please consider committing to the 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm or 2pm Hour each week. Please reach out to Our Lady of the Lakes Eucharistic Adoration Coordinator, Michelle Coyne, with any and all questions. [email protected] 678-232-8673.
Need to find a Catholic Church when traveling? Check it out, Click on this link: MassTimes - Find Catholic worship times for Mass, Confession, Adoration and Holy Days
St James & St Hubert Prayer & Thank You Chains:
St James---Rose Romanowski, 989-422-4077.
St Hubert--Valerie Remenar 989-915-2748 or Joanie Murray 989-422-4823.
As before, call one of them when you need to put someone on the chain. Anyone who wants to be part of the chain & make calls, please let them know. Also, the prayer list is not only for the sick, but also for those that are homebound & lonely, and those who are going through any other difficulty or worry in their lives. If you or someone you know is in need of prayers & wish to be added to the list in the bulletin, please call the parish office 989-821-5591.
**Please forward information to parishioners that do not have access to computers or the internet**