St Vincent de Paul Roscommon Open: Both the Thrift Store & Client Aid. We are anxious to serve our community and look forward to seeing you! Client Aid Assistance: Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 10am-3pm. Clients will be served one at a time Thrift Store: 10am - 4pm. Use of masks to protect one another is strongly encouraged. PUBLIC BATHROOM UNAVAILABLE. All operations will be in compliance with state mandated rules for commerce & may include limiting the number of patrons at any time, social distancing & usage of protective gear. We are restocked & ready to serve. Should you wish to join us as a volunteer, please stop in and say HELLO! St Hubert: Council of Catholic Women (CWC): Meet on the second Thursday of the month April thru December at 11:30 am at the church hall. Men's Club: Meet on the second Monday of the month April thru December at 6:30pm at the church hall. All men of the parish are invited to join us. Refreshments will be served. St James: Council of Catholic Women (CWC) They meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 10:00 am. We invite all women of the parish to join us in fellowship, planning of parish activities & supporting the needs of our community. For those new to St James this would be a good opportunity to meet & mingle with other ladies in the parish. Men's Club: Meet on the third Tuesday of the month (all year) at 5:30 pm at the church hall. During the winter months it may be difficult to attend meetings in the evening. Therefore, beginning with December 20, 2022 meeting thru February 2023 they will meet at 12:00 noon. They will continue sharing a meal. All men of the parish are encouraged to join them. St James Ladies' Card Club, 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month. 1:00pm in the social hall. All ladies are welcome Knights of Columbus Council #6548-Prudenville Meeting every third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. Meetings are held at St. James Parish Hall. Questions, call Clyde Straub 951-741-5470. |
Ministry of Consolation (MOC):
The Ministry of Consolation (MOC) is a grief support group for anyone who has suffered a loss. This a six week session held a couple times throughout the year at either St James or St Hubert Catholic Church. Anyone interested in attending these sessions or have any questions are encouraged to call Jan Augustine at 989-366-5206 or the parish office at 989-821-5591. Right to Life of Michigan Monthly Meetings: are held on the 3rd Tuesday at Beacon Assembly of God Church, 250 Lake St, Roscommon MI 48653. Shared meal at 6:00 pm. Meeting starts at 6:30 pm. Please feel free to join them. For info contact: Lauren Lutz at 614-314-3610. Communion for the Homebound; If you are unable to attend Mass because of illness, injury or age and would like to receive communion at your home, please contact the parish office at 989-821-5591. Also, if you are admitted to the hospital and wish tom receive a visit, call the parish office. |